Luni, 28 Octombrie 2013 14:53 |
Mesaje in engleza de Halloween
A cheerful greating to my friend, a charm that’s certain to defend against all spooks and goblins.
A Halloween merry, a Halloween bright, Though pumpkins make faces And ghosts walk at night, Let no noises scare you and don’t start to run. For ‘tis but a joke, and Halloween fun.
Bats flying in the trees. Waiting to become true vampires. Run, people, run.
Be sure to get your Jack o’lantern out for Halloween night witches walk about.
Candy apples and candy corn. Dead zombies waiting to mourn. Living souls about to be torn. By scary costumes kids have worn.
Hearts for love, diamond for riches, spades for lands and clubs for witches. Courage for Halloween.
Hold your candle steady And keep a sharp lookout For back among yhe shadows You’ll see goblins peeping out.
If you are reading this then are blissfully unaware of what is creeping up behind you.
If you want a teasty sweet … be sure to holler Trick or Treat.
May Halloween frolics engage you to-night and your future by witches predicted be bright.
May the fairies of Halloween bring you your every wish.
O’ let us cast dull care away. Again be children for a day. Witches, goblins have their sway. This Halloween let’s joke and play.
On Halloween if you hear a noise don’t stop and look behind you because there’s lots of awful things that’d just be glad to find you.
On Halloween well steal the gate and kilter everything that’s straight.
On Halloween your slightest wish Is likely to come true, So be careful, or the gobelins Will spoil your wish for you.
On this night, of which I sing, Jack o’lantern is the king. His throne is made of looking glass. To see your future, as you pass.
Strange sound are heard, strange sights are seen upon this night of Halloween. If it’s my fate to see an elf I hope twill be your very self!
The highest expectations for Halloween.
Trick or treat, gine me something good to eat. Crackers, fruit will not do, give me candy, I want two! Candy, candy give me four. Candy, candy I want more.
This maiden here is dancing with A bogie man of fabled myth, But oh – how happy I would be If Halloween you’d dance with me.
Use your imagination not to scare yourself to death but to inspire yourself to life. Adele Brookman
Wishing you a jolly Halloween with scarey sights and “thrillers” to be seen.
Wishing you all a Jolly Halloween.
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